I can't remember where I heard about this, but isn't there some kind of "surgeon model" where you have one star player do the majority of work, and everyone else is support staff? It's a pattern that emerges, and not a bad thing to encourage, as long as it's acknowledged. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. But in college, usually everyone has to be graded equally (akin to everyone being paid equally). Administrative and support work is still important, because without it, a surgery or a project won't succeed. Kinda like the 10x dev thing, but for group dynamics in general.
That's the Fred Brooks "chief programmer" model that the post mentions in the first paragraph. Brooks describes it in one chapter of _The Mythical Man Month_, which is one of those rare cases of a book in the tech field that's still interesting and readable decades after it was written. If you haven't read it yet and you like that kind of book that's about the underlying principles of the craft of writing software rather than specific technical detail, I recommend it.