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NodeUp - Node.js Podcast (nodeup.com)
69 points by cjm on Aug 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I don't have time to look into the actual project, but a few comments on the web site. The logo is quite nice (really, I like it a lot), but the page design is so sparse it's hard to read. One's eyes don't really have anything to focus on -- there are no clear lines or markers of any kind to help divide the page. Honestly, in my first few glances I thought your "Subscribe to..." options were actually Google ads!

I tuned in yesterday for the last 30 minutes. Well worth anyone's while on a Lazy Sunday. +1

Why does each episode have its own subscribe links? It makes it seem like you would need to subscribe to each own separately to hear them all.

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