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Swift 5.5 Released (swift.org)
24 points by rudedogg on Sept 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

“Swift 5.5 is a massive release”

Then shouldn’t it be Swift 6?

To answer your question with a question, why aren't tech people paid like Lakers?

Wouldn't changes to APIs and the language allow Big Tech to leverage what they've learned from decades of "herding cats", but that no labor authority will understand for at least another $40 trillion in revenue: The truth that older brains need more time to learn than younger brains and so will under-perform for a longer period of time after such changes, subjecting them to being fired for performance deficiencies? Can we look back in history to find APIs and languages that "evolved" this quickly? What are people smarter nowadays? No, they're younger...(due to the mass-purge of workers in 2000).

But isn't this system superior to that of government-funded tech (aka Defense/University) where one can go to the vending machines at 730pm and find mid-career professionals half out of their cubicles aspiring (in a cardiac arrest sort of way) to keep up with the younger professionals? Isn't it more practical than what "regular companies" (those with their eye always on the bottom line) do when they want to switch to a more efficient new tech (that is, simply laying off their workers, using contractors for a while and then hiring in an all new, far less expensive staff that come experienced in the tech du jour)?

Seems like a brilliantly immoral system (created by "corporate psychopaths" --search for it) and totally illegal (compliant with the letter but not the spirit of the law), but way too subtle for non-techies to understand --and it's defended to The End by "armies of the damned" that demand the "right to innovate" and be efficient today, perhaps foolishly expecting they'll be billionaires in Their tomorrow. I can forgive "regular companies" (not really) but Big Tech does this because they think they're gaining some competitive advantage (or far worse: "changing the world/") by working primarily with younger brains on the product development side, which is "pure bullshit" as they used to say in the days when most of the tech staff was over 40 (all of the industry years before 2000, and perhaps those to come after 2026, but we know what shape Big Tech was in before 2000, so how could they know?) That's how multi-trillion dollar companies put out tech with QA issues, perpetual betas and "products" that are sometimes suddenly discontinued (as their next crop of workers displace the prior crop) almost as quickly as they came into existence.

[ https://youtu.be/fLVN05Jl6wA ]

"massive release" would be when you make your ABI spec public without the need to read the source code to decipher it so other languages

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