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MonaOS: the OO hobby OS with a GUI, Scheme, browser, and more (monaos.org)
59 points by fogus on Aug 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Also one of the best (most evil) placements for google ads I have seen in a while. The ad links look like they would open a larger version of the screenshots.

The fact that they are willing to trick their users into clicking on an ad tells it all.

I consider this shameless placement of ads as an insult. It was reason enough for me to not read any further and close the site.

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I continued looking for screenshots yet found none... and even tried looking on the Wiki page which had a good amount of broken links.

In the text "Mona OS ver.0.3.4(Download/Release notes/Screenshots 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)", there you have 4 screenshot links.





the sourceforge project page also has several screenshots: http://sourceforge.net/projects/monaos/

Knowing the guy that's working on it, I'd say it isn't anything malicious. Though, I'd agree that the placement of that ad seems really well planned (evil) but more likely poor design.

It seems that they have moved to GitHub.


I've followed mosh, the scheme shell of this project, for a while. Not only is it a very fast, full R6RS scheme, but it contains an code serialisation/motion library (fasl). This allows me to spin up hundreds of mosh instances and have a central agent send code and data to each instance for execution. Similar I guess to Erlang's code replacement mechanism (tail calls are a must), and much better than eval.

It also appears to be dead, no code updates for 20 months?


Nope, just moved to GitHub. https://github.com/higepon/mona

Looks pretty interesting. It doesn't seem to do anything particularly novel, but the code appears fairly clean (not perfect, but better than I'd have really expected) and, as they suggested, might be a decent teaching tool.

(And, unlike Loper OS, it's actually shipped!)

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