There are basically no consequences when you are in a position to pay for something. You are either subsidized by a benefactor, have something else figured out (employment, recurring revenue), or are on a corporate account.
Whereas the people that need things for free are overleveraged to the hilt where everything is indeed consequential.
While I'm not disagreeing with you, that's not really the case here. If anything, my free users tend to be retired hobbyists while my paying users are running local, in-person retail businesses on usually razor-thin margins. They're not subsidized or entitled; they're working their asses off and barely making things work (which I can confirm, since they run their business on my software).
And "overleveraged to the hilt" implies that they have access to finance, which is certainly not universally the case. I'm working on a Stripe Treasury integration, which for a fair few of my users will be their first dedicated bank account for their businesses.
Whereas the people that need things for free are overleveraged to the hilt where everything is indeed consequential.