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The top comment:

> You'll check the analytics. Abysmal. Nobody is reading!

> You may write a few more posts, but it's always the same story. A lot of work goes in, but not much comes out.

I never understood this sentiment. Who cares if no one is reading? You blog because you have something to express on the internet, not because you're seeking attention from others. Content creation for the sole purpose of views is incredibly superficial.

I do think there's a middle road. I do indeed think it's incredibly toxic to write for the reactions, but at the same time, it's extremely lonely to find your only readers are the bots that probe for compromised wordpress installs.

It's great to have a community of sorts. I've found that in gemini space, there's a small number of active bloggers that run in the same circles and occasionally make replies on each posts they feel interesting (because almost virtually all pages are static, almost no comment fields).

It's not so much about the attention as it is about the sense of community and belonging.

The goal might not be to maximise "views", but if nobody reads it, why bother? No need to be popular by whatever metrics, but with no readers you might just not publish at all. (Unless you see writing itself as valuable in itself.)

The vast majority of blogs during the "golden age" of blogging went almost entirely, if not entirely, unread. In hindsight, I don't know why people bothered, but they did. I blogged on my own domain for years and I don't think anyone read any of it, but I still enjoyed it.

Of course a lot of blogs were hosted on services like Blogger or Livejournal (which I also had,) and being able to create networks and friend/interest groups definitely increased visibility, but even then most things went unread and uncommented on.

I totally agree. I have been writing on the internet since 1995 and I do not care about the number of visitors, because I primarily write due my urge to write and record my life. Most of what I write is just trivia about what I did. It primarily serves as my memory and it is interesting to look back on what I did a few years ago.

Maybe views are not the sole purpose, but isn't it a bit depressing to think that no-one ever reads or cares about what you put up? Surely you want someone to witness that expression and perhaps even engage with it.

my kids should "dad, look at me" before they do anything. the desire for external validation runs deep. If no-one hears a tree falling, does it make a sound?

Why would you write, if not for other people? Unless you are just taking notes, that is the entire point of writing: To present your thoughts or knowledge to other people.

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