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This ensures Putin's government won't have enough time to subvert the recommended candidates in some way.

The government will have plenty of time to do that after the election.

But that won't prevent the person from being elected. Doing it after comes with many drawbacks.

Doing that before the election (I assume your plan, if you were Putin, is to have all 225 “recommended” candidates withdraw?) is more difficult than subverting the, very optimistically, 30 that will get elected.

There is no dichotomy here.

If you know the candidates beforehand, you can bully them before the election, see who wins nevertheless, and bully those again.

> to have all 225 “recommended” candidates withdraw?

Having some of them withdraw is also useful, it's a numbers game.

The candidates are known beforehand. Putin’s men do not need Navalny to tell them whether there is a popular candidate in an electoral district. Consolidation of “protest” votes does not make someone win an election; it gives a small extra push in contested districts.

You really don't see the difference between eliminating all the candidates (and all popular candidates) and eliminating one candidate per district?

Smart Voting™ creates these popular candidates in the districts where all competitors of Putin's guy are more or less equally popular. Knowing whom they will make popular is an advantage for Putin, don't you agree?

I have a feeling you're arguing out of stubbornness. My original point was that announcing the Smart Voting lists in the last moment can be useful, I think gave some good reasons for it.

“One per district” is 225, “all popular” in contested districts is, like, maybe 70?

Smart voting does not create new popular candidates. It’s a way to concentrate the 5 % they can access (or 2 %, if badly mismanaged by publishing the list too late) in an efficient way.

Please back the numbers up with data.

But there was nothing to hide, everyone knew that it will be basically "vote for Communists".

It's not true. I checked and I see plenty of Yabloko candidates being suggested

Don't they need to announce a concrete Communist to vote for? Last time I checked the number of Communists in Russia was strictly greater than one.

One Communist Party candidate per electoral district, yes.

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