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In Czechia and Slovakia we have mapy.cz which gives you more detailed map for walking/hiking, including contour lines. See [^1] for example.

The coloured trails you can see at more detailed zoom levels, are part of the hiking trail system. The outdoor signage even has a national technical norm [^2] (in Slovak, but has some terminology translated int to English and German).

[1] https://en.mapy.cz/turisticka?x=19.8702765&y=48.7675046&z=14 [2] http://www.jazdecka-turistika.sk/images/stories/dokumenty/KT...

This is just OpenStreetMap with another frontend on top, you can see this by going to the area[1] and going to the right, selecting layers and looking at the CyclOSM one.

Also, a bit lame that on mapy.cz, you have to click on the "and others" to actually see the OpenStreetMap credit.

[1]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/48.75343/19.87948

Mapy.cz has a lot of other layers, try them out. Including historical and photo maps. This is the full list of holders of copyrights:

Základní, Turistická, Zimní a další níže neuvedené mapy:

    „© Seznam.cz, a.s.”

    „© AOPK ČR – ochrana přírody a krajiny”

    „© Slovenská agentúra živ. prostredia” – digitální model terénu SR

    „© Národné lesnické centrum SR” – lesní a polní cesty SR

    „© Přispěvatelé OpenStreetMap”
Letecká mapa (ortofotomapa):

    „© Seznam.cz, a.s.” (zoom 9-20 jen v ČR)

    „© TopGis, s.r.o.” (zoom 9-20 jen v ČR)

    „© EUROSENSE s.r.o.” (zoom 9-19 jen SR)

    „© GEODIS Slovakia s.r.o.” (zoom 9-19 jen SR)

    „© www.basemap.at” (zoom 9-19 jen Rakousko)

    „© NASA Earth Observatory” (zoom 2-8)

    „© Sentinel-2 cloudless - https://s2maps.eu by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016 & 2017” (zoom 8-13 jen Evropa mimo ČR, SR)

    „© Microsoft Corporation” (zoom 14-19 jen mimo ČR a SR)
Archivní Letecká mapa '15, '12, '06 a '03:

    „© GEODIS BRNO, s.r.o.” (zoom 9-20 jen v ČR)

    „© EUROSENSE s.r.o.” (zoom 9-19 jen SR)

    „© GEODIS Slovakia s.r.o.” (zoom 9-19 jen SR)

    „© NASA Earth Observatory” (zoom 2-7)

    „© Sentinel-2 cloudless - https://s2maps.eu by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016 & 2017” (zoom 8-13 jen mimo ČR a SR)
Historická mapa (z 19. století):

    „© 2nd Military Survey, Austrian State Archive”

    „© Datový podklad MŽP ČR”

    „© Laboratoř geoinformatiky UJEP”

    „© Seznam.cz, a.s.”

    „© GIS - Stavinvex, a.s.”

    „© TopGis, s.r.o.”

    „© GEODIS BRNO, s.r.o.”
3D mapa:

    „© Seznam.cz, a.s.”

    „© Melown Maps™”

    „© TopGis, s.r.o.“

    „© GEODIS BRNO, s.r.o.”

    „© www.basemap.at” (zoom 9-19 jen Rakousko)

    „© NASA Earth Observatory” (zoom 2-8)

    „© Sentinel-2 cloudless - https://s2maps.eu by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016 & 2017” (zoom 8-13 jen Evropa mimo ČR, SR)

    „© Microsoft Corporation“ (zoom 14-19 jen mimo ČR a SR)”

    “©2005-16 Jonathan de Ferranti”

    “© Přispěvatelé OpenStreetMap”

Surely there's nothing wrong with using OSM as one of your primary map data sources? As far as I know, Mapy.cz uses several sources in the Czechoslovak territory, although abroad, perhaps quite a bit fewer of them are being used.

There's nothing wrong with it - it's just not giving credit back properly that I have an issue with.

Take this for example, which got some front page news time in the UK:

- https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/dec/27/walk-th...

- https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2020/jun/13/how-the-slow-...

- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54562137

Pretty much the entire thing is taken from OSM and there isn't a single mention of that on any of those pages.

(and as I understand it, Slow Ways haven't contributed back their changes to OSM which is required by the OSM license).

> it's just not giving credit back properly that I have an issue with.


I must concur, I have used mapy.cz for hiking across the Europe with great success. Even on Iceland.

Mapy.cz is a great product and I would say "underrated". They feel so much more natural than Google Maps to me.

But that might be cultural (de)formation of a previously young person who used to hike with paper maps of similar style.

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