No, you're conflating people who were in DC with the yokels who "stormed" the capitol. As I recall, only one of the yokels had a gun. But it makes for more polarization if we can all make it seem as though they all had guns!
How many of those weapons were discharged? And how many were “seized” is not as interesting as how many were being held illegally? The government can illegally seize all sorts of things from citizens, including cash, but the process of doing so doesn’t make the original possession a crime
I was answering the question about whether any were armed or not, of which, the answer is yes: some absolutely were.
Getting a permit to carry in DC is extremely difficult to the point where there's no chance any of the protestors had one. That makes possession illegal. Also, a lack of proper licensing is mentioned several times in the article.
If you pop their names into a search engine you can see the DOJ indictments with more info.