I was poking around the github of the OpenRA project - they have an RA2 mod project, but I can't speak for it's readiness. It's not advertised on their homepage, so guessing "not ready".
From an official standpoint, I was able to pick up RA2 (not remastered) from Origin this summer. They make it incredibly difficult to find, and it's not part of the C&C Remastered Collection. But, I was able to pick up a collection of the non-remastered C&C games for $10 or $20. RA2 was a bit of a pain to get working in Windows 10. It took some manual tweaking to ini files, startup arguments, compatibility mode and manually reducing the game speed from very fast to medium to be playable (every game you start).
But what I really want is a remaster of Red Alert 2!