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Álvaro: what is your rationale for doing this? If you just want to strengthen the postgres community, just be a part of it then use your company and foundation to promote it. Why the need to own trademarks?

It seems like you have some other reasons to do this? Have you had trouble using the postgres trademarks in something you've been trying to do? Have you had trouble with the existing governance structure?

In your posts you bring up a lot of hypotheticals, about how postgres claims to be something but is allegedly not that (through its legal structure). Why is there a need to change that? Other than theory.

My understanding so far is that OP runs a Postgres consulting firm [1], and it appears they took the liberty of registering a Postgres trademark for the class of "professional services" in order to (I presume) protect fair use by their firm and (they claim) others in the Postgres community. Some of this is admittedly speculation on my part, and I'm trying to take a charitable view of their actions to try to understand why a community member would do this.

That said I have no opinion on whether this action is net good for the community, and I'm not a Postgres user so I have no horse in this race. It's just the social dynamics of this situation that are interesting to me.

[1]: https://ongres.com/about-us/#team

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