Can you name a single better package manager functionally comparable to npm? Delegating the whole packaging system to its own world is indeed questionable. However, in the context of node it works very well because it is designed with npm in mind. As for your corporate grievances—-managing a packaging ecosystem is a huge maintenance and cost burden. You have to host the packages, provide CMS, deal with abuse, security, user complaints and all the other nonsense. These are inevitable things with a centralized package manager. If you don’t like it, there’s always the git way.
You're not getting it. Node.js itself should have had a more substantial standard library, that's all I'm saying. Who effectively owns Node.js since NPM is bundled with Node.js? Whoever owns NPM, therefore Microsoft now.
Weren't people here outraged at Copilot? Do people really believe that Microsoft isn't running copilot on NPM packages?