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netlib BLAS/LAPACK, openBLAS, AMD libs, intel MKL, eigen, armadillo, GLM, Blitz++, PETSc, Trilinos (and I am not even starting on more "specialized" such as sparce matrices).

There are maybe one hundred libraries in the field.

IMO all of them and certainly any new/active one(s) should clearly differentiate (or state) thier purpose/goals and what makes them different. Please note, I am not saying what makes them better but different.

I am also tired of reading/hearing "HPC/simd/parallel" without ANY benchmarks/timings to support such claims. Isn't it strange that software implementing mathematics make claims (almost all of the times) without any measurements/proof?

Thanks for the info though, I might remember to try it in the future.

edit: the rant is not about Blaze, it is more of a general rant about similar libraries. I feel I have to mention that Blaze at least tries to address what I am complaining and I also saw that they have instructions on how to replicate their benchmarks on ones' machine which IMO is what every project should be doing.

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