Even if entropy is low are - how are you going to randomly select a person, and know their serial ID?
The real concern isn't random killing. It's targeted killing. Most premeditated murder is targeted, is perpetrated by someone for a specific motivation, and is perpetrated by someone close to the victim.
The sort of medical emergency caused by an insulin pump malfunction doesn't raise the suspicion of today's typical police officer. Likewise, the likelihood that someone has the right medical and technical knowledge to investigate such a crime is much lower.
People covering murder by faking a random crime are operating in an area of their ignorance, versus the expert's knowledge and practice. A hacker killing someone through medical equipment would be operating as the expert while the officials and professionals whose job it would be to catch him may well be the newbies.
It would be easy to concoct an alibi with a murder technique like this. This is the most concerning thing about it.
The real concern isn't random killing. It's targeted killing. Most premeditated murder is targeted, is perpetrated by someone for a specific motivation, and is perpetrated by someone close to the victim.
The sort of medical emergency caused by an insulin pump malfunction doesn't raise the suspicion of today's typical police officer. Likewise, the likelihood that someone has the right medical and technical knowledge to investigate such a crime is much lower.
People covering murder by faking a random crime are operating in an area of their ignorance, versus the expert's knowledge and practice. A hacker killing someone through medical equipment would be operating as the expert while the officials and professionals whose job it would be to catch him may well be the newbies.
It would be easy to concoct an alibi with a murder technique like this. This is the most concerning thing about it.