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Yes, taxes. Taxes will be a problem.

I say do away with money. No money, no taxes. I won't need money. My robot will provide the things I need.

Since I said that much I better elaborate. Here it goes.

Most major countries do their thing. One thing is to be competitive. A company in China is employing 1 MegaBots. They will produce more and less expensive products. Another country might eventually employ more robots. Short of war there is no stopping it.

Lets say there is no war. Eventually everything is automated. What will I do? Well, I like sitting here doing relatively nothing. I also like messing around in the garage. I like going on walks with my wife. I don't like working.

Who will control the robots? Elected people. They will also be unpaid. They will run and be elected because they like to do such things.

No money. That's the key.

Who gets what? I would hope that greediness would be frowned on. No one wants to be frowned on. And social standing (getting along) will be everything. And that will not be a function of how much money I have.

That's my 2 cents.

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