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Combat the ADHD by trying it, fidgeting with things and see what happens. That's one nice thing about css is you can test things out and get immediate feedback. You'll learn more from fifteen minutes of directed playing around with it than from any amount of reading.

Don't let yourself create a mental barrier there. Just force yourself to spend a few minutes every day trying new things and you'll be fairly fluent in a couple weeks. It should be pretty painless and it's a skill that will be useful for the foreseeable future.

Well said. It took me years to understand this. You don't need to understand every last detail in a book to get to work. I'm a great C and C++ programmer, but when it comes to web based applications I would say I'm merely better at knowing where to fidget with the code first, rather than knowing what's really going on.

Train yourself where the best places to massage the code are and most solutions can be found within minutes.

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