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Peermaps – distributed, offline-friendly alternative to commercial map providers (peermaps.org)
135 points by pabs3 on Sept 12, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

The website hasn't been updated in a while and the stack somewhat diverges from what is written there but we're very hard at work making all the pieces fit together. The p2p database (eyros) works pretty well with only some transfer size improvements left. The database is fully symmetric and runs fully in the browser with a ~400kb wasm build (will work on getting this down later). And the rendering stack works pretty well. The main hurdle at the moment which I have been working on is the ingest phase which consumes planet-osm.pbf and writes into the spatial database (eyros). I can process all the nodes in 1 hour and all the ways in 35 hours on a not very expensive vps but processing the relations I still run out of memory. Probably in the next few weeks I can get this ingest phase working and we will have an initial data release. There is still some rendering work with polish and label rendering but it basically works.

The main initial benefit for the project is to have completely free embeddable web maps hosted p2p (using ipfs, hyperdrive, webtorrent) where you can entirely customize the rendering. Then later the benefits of the fully symmetric nature of the database will start to make more sense and the project has the potential to become less centralized on open street map servers and data. For some prior work that I and other people who work on peermaps have worked on check out https://mapeo.world/ and this very old writeup I made about an early version of the osm-p2p database. The experiences of working on that project and prior versions heavily informs how the current peermaps stack works.

You can check out a more up to date version of the progress on this talk we gave for speakeasyjs recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7X7C-door4

Or here is a slightly old slightly broken version of panning across a processed version switzerland using the end-to-end stack on my laptop (it looks better now) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHEmmQ6GnDI

This is incredible. How big of a VPS would you need to preprocess the whole dataset now?

If I use peermaps and zoom to a particular city, how does it find peers that have that particular part of the db?

It's similar how with a torrent you can start seeking into a particular spot in a file and start playing by requesting particular chunks at that spot. Some clients like webtorrent support this behavior but it changes the dynamics of the network somewhat if many clients do this kind of thing. You can build some supplementary peer info to help the process along for different p2p networks depending on if they let you create side-channels or let you make more explicit connections to peers. For peermaps, the database is file and directory based so most of that peer tree traversal should be handled already by the network. And there are more ways to optimize the connections with additional tricks once you get the basics working with a somewhat slower and less sophisticated transfer method.

The VPS we're running on has 60GB of RAM which should be plenty but the ingest program needs more work to use less memory so it stops crashing when denormalizing multipolygon relations, which involves denormalizing ways which fetch nodes... all referenced by ID which has not much locality spread across the pbf file. And if you write to temporary storage it can use a lot of disk and denormalization based on the on-disk format can get really slow. It's just all very tricky to get working well within reasonable time constraints (less than a week of processing ideally) and a reasonable memory footprint.

I may misunderstand how P2P at this scale works. How are map changes authorized and distributed if it's decentralized/P2P? Does this initiative focus exclusively on physical mapping and forego the extras like national borders/country naming (import your own GeoJSON)? What about street corrections? If it is a dynamically changing data set, is it reasonably plausible that the map data you get back could be poisoned?

They are just distributing OSM data, which has many things including park, city, nation borders. And even includes more data then google, bing, and apple maps in some cases. However while business and store data is there, it is also the most incomplete.

OSM is basically a wiki where anyone can edit. I use it for about 20% of my mapping needs, especially when in a park.

There are plenty of great offline OSM clients, such as OsmAnd. I don't see any real value in the P2P here, particularly for mobile. However having more clients that render great maps is always a win.

I see. I misunderstood that all of it depended on OSM. I thought that OSM would have been one of the possible data providers.

Doesn't this kind of reduce the efficacy of it being P2P? If the goal is to reduce the load on OSM's servers, I suppose it makes sense, but from the standpoint of a free web, it doesn't seem to add much.

> Peermaps is a distributed, offline-friendly alternative to commercial map providers such as google maps. Instead of fetching data from a centralized tile service, your computer fetches map data from other peers across the network.

I think the wording is what confused me. It would be more descriptive to say "Instead of fetching data from a centralized tile service, your computer fetches OpenStreetMap data from other peers across the network". OSM is still centralized.

Organic Maps deserves a mention here


It's a free and open-source reboot of maps.me. Probably the best FOSS mobile front-end for OSM to date.

Looks good but routing is very slow.

There are plenty of great offline OSM clients, such as OsmAnd

Personally, I prefer Magic Earth. I keep 7 surrounding US states downloaded on my phone and I get notification of updates (every few months).

Average file size per state is about 450MB stored on SD card. It is how maps should be done in my opinion.

The only difference here is how the distribution is handled. Not sure P2P is the way to go since most peers are likely to be mobile devices where data transfer can be disruptive and expensive.

This app looks really great, but I have a few questions...

(1) Where does the online map data come from? From Magic Earth servers or somewhere else?

(2) Where is the 3D data sourced from?

(3) Where is the satellite imagery sourced from? OSM definitely doesn't have this.

(4) Where are transit directions sourced from? AFAIK OSM also can't do this.

(5) Who is behind this app? The privacy policy just refers to them as 'Company'.

All in all, the functionality looks great but I'm quite skeptical about the lack of transparency.

I suggest looking at www.magicearth.com and contacting their support.

I think the idea is that distributing tile data is pretty expensive? Especially for embedded web map views.

pre-rendered tiles is expensive, vector data less so.

The entire OSM working data set for NA is ~12GB. NY State is ~500MB. Most countries and states are under 100MB. Daily deltas are usually well under 1MB.

Tile servers are great for web apps, as you can pre-compute all the rendering and then cache the tiles. But there is no need to store terabytes of image data in an offline mobile app.

I'm very happy with OsmAnd+ on Android. I'm not sure which server(s) are being used by the app when it downloads the map data, but the transfer rate from the server leaves much to be desired. It's probably a significant burden to host the entire collection, both in terms of storage space and in available bandwidth.

So I can see how hosting the data as a series of torrents would help make this more sustainable. But it's a bit silly to implement an entire torrent stack inside a web browser just to display a few static image tiles...

If there is ever a robust, truly P2P web, your peers will be your filters. IOW, your filters will anneal and morph according to the canonical filters created by your trust network—a delegation of peers, filtered via parameters of your choosing. This goes for everything from search to spam block.

It is not all about scale. Much of P2P web development is idealistically about designing a more subjective internet.

For Android apps Mapsforge is a good solution, if you need detailed map of relatively small area, or less detailed map is enough for large areas. You can distribute map with app and have a decent sized app.

Is this related to OpenStreetMap

> […] a fully p2p web-based map viewer to display OpenStreetMap data […]

So yes, seems so.

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