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Coming from Windows, I have just 2 small wishes: ability to drag windows to the edges to quickly organize them side by side, and ability to disable the drag lock - you currently either have to click or wait for a second after dragging anything.

You could try out Rectangle [1]. Other alternatives would be magnet (paid) or veeer (free).

[1]: https://github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle

One of the first things I do when setting up a new Mac is to enable “three finger drag”. I’m pretty sure it also removes the drag lock. You’ll have to get used to the new way of dragging things though.

Indeed, drag lock does not apply to the three finger gesture. The option has moved to accessibility settings from trackpad in recent OSX releases, though, so for a while I could not find it anywhere.

In Mac, you can tile two windows on the screen to organise them side by side. See the Window menu. I can’t comment on the second wish.

For the first I started out with magnet, but ended up with moom. Hovering over the green button in the title bar then shows fine-grained controls to dock the window to a half of the screen, or do basic tiling.

Magnet can do the edge-drag thing: https://magnet.crowdcafe.com

It's actually faster just to use the keyboard shortcuts though.

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