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Lost skills: What today's coders don't know and why it matters (itworld.com)
61 points by jfruh on Aug 5, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 74 comments

Kris Rudin, Senior Developer and Associate Partner at digital marketing agency Ascentium says, "One 'lost skill' that I see all the time with new developers -- how to debug without an integrated debugger. When I started programming (in 1986, just after punch cards, using a mainframe & dumb terminal), we didn't have any IDEs and debuggers, we had to put trace statements in our code to track values and execution.

"Today," says Rudin, there are occasionally times with you can't use the integrated debugger in your IDE (usually with some weird web application frameworks and server configurations), and younger programmers are at a loss as to what to do, and resort to hack-and-slash coding to try to randomly fix a bug, using guesswork. Me, I just calmly put in some code to display output values on the web page, find the bug, and fix it."

Oh come on. What he's describing isn't some "lost skill". If you can't figure out to use print statements for debugging you're not much of a programmer in the first place.

Most statements in that article describe really basic, common sense stuff.

I work a lot in PHP, so it's kind of funny that I find that new developers in PHP are exactly the opposite: most of them don't know how to use IDE debuggers with PHP. Instead they have print statements all through their code and they end up veering away from any form of OO or 'complex' code, as it becomes hard to 'debug' this code when there's a problem.

Don't get me wrong: 'debugging by echo' is useful at times, but I would say that 9 times out of 10, a proper debugger is more valuable. In my case. YMMV. etc.

I find analyzing trace statements to be far faster than setting conditional break points and stepping through a debugger.

I can quickly run a test, grep/skim through the trace output and ignore/drill down into detailed minutia that are irrelevant/relevant to the problem being investigated.

I also tend to write my trace statements in an easily parsible format so if I need to I can write another program to analyze what happened and find the problem. Writing a full on program to process log files happens less often than chaining several unix commands to find the needle in the haystack (usually the program happens when I need to thread together several widely separated trace lines).

This is situational in the extreme, especially when you're interested in specific conditions in tight loops. For example, if you're debugging a race condition in a render loop, it's probably not going to be easy to reproduce when you also start trying to write out megabytes of data at the same time.

The only way to debug real race conditions is to engineer your code from the beginning to avoid them. Debuggers and prints are equally powerless to help you.

Debuggers can help identify race conditions by giving you insight into the state of the process at the time of the break. The reason they're superior to printf's in this regard is that debuggers can signal breaks on conditions without requiring a recompile. In general, debuggers are superior because of this. Good debuggers aso let you ask questions on the fly inside a stack frame, something printf-stuff can never do.

Of course, I didn't say nor mean to say that ALL race conditions are identifiable in this way, only that it can make the results more visible for some of the more obvious cases.

Well, yeah, that's what useful stack traces are for - but stack traces aren't useful in the least when you click on a button and it's supposed to do x but it's doing y; how do you figure out why it isn't doing something it's supposed to be doing without either putting a bunch of log.debug() calls in the code or breakpoints?

With Python, when stack traces happen now, WebError will even give you an in-browser prompt to explore the state of that Python session; so log.debug() calls are only used when the software is working but not working as intended - that is a case where debugging tools can actually come in handy because I hate cleaning up log.debug() calls littered everywhere.

It really depends on the program architecture and what issue you're debugging.

For most single-threaded or simple multithreaded programs, it's easier just to throw a print statement where you need it and analyze that. Even with a large data set, a simple grep will probably get you what you need.

When you're debugging a complex, multithreaded program, on the other hand, an external debugger is much more valuable, because you can break at the exact point where things go wrong, and examine the entire program's behavior at that point. Debugging a race condition with prints can be pretty difficult, especially when the printing changes the timings of the threads.

I've debugged my fair shared of parallel programs (multithreaded and distributed), and I've used a mix of both techniques. The advantage to print statements is that it gives you an execution trace. It's easier for me to reconstruct the sequence of events - which is not trivial in a parallel program. What I give up is full knowledge of any one instant. And that's what a debugger gives me.

It's a trade-off, but I usually start with traces.

I've been debugging plenty of distributed/parallel processing systems by trace statements. It's not trivially easy, but its not too bad (its actually kind of fun).

In fact, I'm not exactly sure how you would debug a multi-process parallel system with an external debugger. Would you simultaneously use multiple debugger instances to attach to each process? That sounds like fun.

For a true, parallel system it's virtually impossible to "examine the entire program's behavior" at any one instance in time. Sure printing changes the timing of things, but unless you are single threaded, you are kidding yourself to think that a debugger also doesn't disrupt timings.

This is a lot because the PHP Debuggers are very time consuming to set up and a lot of people prefer to code in Notepad++, rather than a complex IDE.

It depends on the environment and personal preference. If I remember correctly, Linus Torvalds never works with a debugger either. A few years ago, when I was still doing desktop software, I used the Delphi and MSVC debuggers regularly. Now I do mostly web-based stuff and I find that unit tests and logging have largely made a debugger obsolete for me.

I think that it's useful to distinguish between code that one has an intimate knowledge of / intuitive sense of and code where one does not fully understand.

For example, I find printf-like debugging and using stack traces from Valgrind to be very useful for debugging my own code; however, at work, when I have no idea where the problem is, something like gdb or the debugger of Visual Studio really comes in handy.

In the proprietary, NIH world of embedded software, vendor often ship development tools whose quality ranges from flaky to totally broken. With tight deadlines to ship devices that will be obsolete within months, investing time and people to support robust dev tools across multiple platforms is deemed a low priority. printf() debugging is often the only reliable (and portable) option. :(

Sadly, the open world is not immune to this. I've seen Eclipse's remote Java debugger intermittently fall over with bizarre JPDA errors, and spewing to log4j was also my quickest workaround. I'm not invested enough in the success of Eclipse, or Java for that matter, to contribute fixes.

I'm sorry, but an article that starts with an authority argument as follows:

> Bernard Hayes, PMP (PMI Project Mgmt Professional), CSM (certified Scrum Master), and CSPO (certified Scrum Product Owner).

makes me not want to continue reading much further.

To clarify: you become a CSM and a CSPO by taking a 2-day course each (well ok, there's an online exam, but you can look up the answers on wikipedia and pass). PMP is the only certification in that last that takes some effort, but it's totally unrelated to software and, thus, to most of this article's subject matter.


My argument isn't about the article's main content, it's about its attempt to back up its arguments by listing certifications, but failing to do so because the certifications are meaningless.

This is the internet. We tl;dr on little details like these all the time. My assumption is: "if the article's author thinks that these certifications give this person authority about what he's saying, then the author must not know what (s)he's talking about".

Basically, it feels to me like the article says something comparable to "XML sucks because John Johnson, who studied Python programming for five days, said so". How am I a "reverse snob" for pointing that out?

I learnt a lot during my 2-day CSM training. But nothing that makes me more qualified than you or my mom to say something about forgotten software engineering knowledge.

This was the first thing I thought after reading that too. It immediately causes me to assume that the author doesn't know enough about programming to know much at all about its once and future skills.

>Other low-level skills that today's engineers aren't getting, according to Carl Mikkelsen: "programming tight loops, computational graphic approximations like a circle algorithm, machining cast iron, designing CPU instruction sets, meeting real-time constraints, programming in the inefficient zone - recovering some of the last 30% of potential, and analog design, such as audio amps."

What, do they also expect us to cut, polish and etch our own silicon wafers as well?

For the record: Everyone who calls themself an engineer should have tried to machine cast iron (or some kind of metal; better to start with aluminum) at least once. And everyone should know how silicon is made, hands-on if possible (which it generally isn't; fabs are expensive).

Why? Because these things are awesome, and form the foundation of our culture.

Now, having said that: No, having hands-on experience with these things doesn't really help with programming. ;)

I think these things do help with programming in a manner that is probably hard to measure. Making something has an affect, I find hard to describe, on my ability to think logically and creatively (in more areas than just programming, but it so happens that I spend most of my time programming).

For those interested, here's a series of books on how to build your own machine shop from scratch (by building your own foundry, casting parts, etc...): http://www.lindsaybks.com/dgjp/djgbk/series/index.html (I'm not affiliated with Lindsay Books in any way)

I don't disagree. But the problem with this argument is that it's hard to find any creative or imaginative activity that doesn't potentially help you with programming.

Tinkering? Cooking? Music? Writing? Reading? Puzzles? Even sleeping? It's all potentially good.

> engineer should have tried to machine cast iron


"Why? Because these things are awesome, and form the foundation of our culture." -mechanical_fish

1. These things are awesome - a very personal statement. Using it in an argument is moot.

2. Foundation of our culture - no. Foundation of our culture (the engineering culture) is about looking around, identifying problems and using rational-logical thought to find solutions. It just happened that we learnt casting before making silicon chips. I have done Mechanical Workshop as a student in my undergraduate curriculum. I learnt nothing new but the fact that most of us want to cling to already established norms. Again, it's an unnecessary exercise. I really think that in a field that is evolving as fast as this, we should rethink why and what norms and parts of relatively ancient culture should be follow and where evolving and discarding old ideas is necessary.

It quotes our own bensummers:

    Ben Summers, Technical Director at ONEIS, a U.K-based
    information management platform provider, points out
    that "habits learned when writing web applications for
    14.4kbps dial-up telephone modems come in rather handy
    when dealing with modern day mobile connections. When
    you only had couple of Kbytes per second, and latencies
    of a few hundred milliseconds, you were very careful to
    minimize the size of the pages you sent, and just as
    importantly, minimize the amount of back and forth with
    the server."

    With today's mobile connections, says Summers, "the
    latency is much worse than using a telephone modem
    connection, and that's compounded by error rates in
    congested areas like city centers. The fast 'broadband'
    headline speeds are pretty irrelevant to web applications.
    It's the latency which determines how fast the response
    time will feel, and tricks learned when phone modems
    ruled the world come in awfully handy. As a bonus, when
    someone uses your app on a fixed connection, it'll feel
    as fast as desktop software!"

I was shocked to learn that I was a "industry veteran and/or seasoned coder".

Out of curiosity, was this particular quote taken from HN, a more formal interview, or a blog posting that you wrote?

The author put out a request for contributions, and somehow it ended up in my inbox. I thought, "why not?". I just proposed a topic, and when the offer was accepted, wrote a short bit of text.

I'm curious as to the effect it will have, if any. So far it's resulted in two hits to our web site, neither of which explored any further than the home page.

Interesting. One of the hits to your blog was me looking to see what your credentials might be so sorry to inflate them by a factor of two.

How did my credentials look?

(Two more hits since the last comment!)

One thing I find coders who have not been through a formal course like University (and even some that have...) lack is an understanding of basic complexity scaling issues.

And by basic I mean not understanding the different performance implications of a table scan, an index scan and an index seek in an SQL query plan. And also why "it takes ages first time, but is quick after that (when everything is already in RAM)" is usually not acceptable (every time could be the first time around if the query isn't run often or RAM is limited).

Some of the stuff that article lists is just not needed at all by a code, really. Some are strictly hardware issues. Others are oddly specific: "programming tight loops" is part of the complexity theory thing: understanding how a process will behave at relevant scales and optimising accordingly.

I agree with this - but it is more than that too; I've undertaken a self-study of machine fundamentals too. That is something almost all web application programmers lack (those that don't come from EE/CS that is). By machine fundamentals, I mean how instructions are executed on the processor - how memory works - how different kinds of work can either be optimized for the CPU and the CPU's cache or how it can be optimized for memory - what the difference is between a 64bit bus and a 32bit bus - what's so special about PCI-Express and the AGP buses - how I/O actually works and what random seeks on the disk are (yay for SSDs).

The biggest gap, IMHO though, is a lack of knowledge about big O and why quadratic behavior can be bad, what it is, &c... That goes hand-in-hand with a lack of knowledge in algorithms. Why is bubble-sort considered bad? What's a generator? Why does everyone keep saying to use xrange() in python? Why is it bad to use list concatenation?

This smacks of a "kids these days" article.

I remember similar articles in the 80s and 90s bemoaning how "programmers these days" didn't know how to use a protocol analyzer or logic probe, or didn't know that xor made for a faster register clear operation (or moveq for 68k fans), or any other number of esoteric trivia that, while useful in context, did not usually contribute significantly towards a programmer's ability to get the job done.

My first debugger was an in-circuit-emulator for a Z80. It was the size of a small television set, had a crappy UI, and limited functionality. Today's debuggers can be hosted on the system itself, and have become so powerful that most people don't know how to use them to maximum effect (myself included). IDEs check your code as you type. No more writing something in VI, compiling, tracking down the cryptic error messages your compiler spat out and trying to figure out where the REAL error is because the compiler is dumb. You're shielded from the ugliness underneath, and for 99.9% of cases that's more than enough.

Do "kids these days" really need to know the sound of a hard drive dying? The last drive I heard going bad was in the 90s. Since then drives have become so quiet that you'd need a stethoscope to even hear the arm thrashing (which is why I use RAID). And how useful is the knowledge that you can open up a frozen drive and spin it up with your finger going to be as disks are replaced by SSDs?

We live in the future, where things have gotten a LOT better. Do the new batch of developers really need to know assembly language? After moving to "fluffy" languages, I only twice found need to use it (once to disassemble a stack dump from a JNI crash, and once to monkey patch a buggy device driver). Twice in all my years since using Java, Python, PHP, Objective-C, Scheme, COBOL, VB, and C#. Was it damn handy to have the right skill at an opportune time? Hell yeah. Does EVERYONE need this skill? Hell no.

How about bit packing? Memory has become so cheap and plentiful that even routers come with 16MB or more. Beyond low level networking and peripheral protocols, what use is there in packing up bits and coming up with clever encoding schemes that make for complicated (and potentially buggy) codec routines? Saving one byte in a packet header is hardly the triumph it once was.

All the "kids these days" need to know is their algorithms, profiling, debugging, multithreading issues, and how to write well structured, maintainable code in their paradigm of choice. The rest is usually industry specific, and can be learned as-you-go.

Don't worry about the kids. The kids are alright.

"Assembly language, interrupt handlers, race conditions, cache coherence," says Jude Miller, long-time system consultant and industry curmudgeon.

This is what I do every day at my job and there are other people who know how to do this, plenty of them. Most of them are EE's, though, and consider SW/FW development as their secondary job.

It isn't easy to hire embedded programmers, graduates with computer engineering, EE or CS degrees will have some knowledge but it's experience more than anything that will help you acquire these skills. When I look at resumes I look for experience building small circuits, Arduino or PIC. If I don't see anything like that or if the skill list starts with Java, PHP, ... it would be kind of unfair to expect detailed knowledge about how to use "volatile" in C or how to use a scope to find race conditions.

>"Assembly language, interrupt handlers, race conditions, cache coherence," says Jude Miller, long-time system consultant and industry curmudgeon.

The funny thing about this is that the CS degree I got covered all of these to a fairly decent extent. I wasn't an expert on any of those topics when I graduated, but I had enough of a background working with them that I wasn't completely in over my head when I ran into all of that at work(I work on high-throughput, low-latency financial messaging APIs).

It's interesting work, but it's a very technical skillset, because you do need to understand all the various issues that can pop up.

I agree with all your points, but just want to add that I've seen very ugly code from EE-types (I'm a EE). An outstanding board design and audio/video engineer I worked with avoided loops whenever possible cost because they "made the code confusing." However, his FPGA code was immaculate. I chalked it up to a parallel versus sequential thought process that mirrors the differences between hardware and software.

I chalked it up to a parallel versus sequential thought process that mirrors the differences between hardware and software.

I don't think this is an essential difference. Programming has preferred the sequential models of computation, but more as a fashion than a necessity. Now, Turing's empire wanes as Church's empire waxes, and those parallel elements of computation that the hardware has hidden from software for so long can no longer be sequestered in silicon.

Yes, I've seen this too. Many EEs with strong skills in low level FW design and HDLs lack software engineering skills. The computer engineering degrees try to bridge the two camps but ultimately there's only so much you can learn in a finite amount of time. I've drifted from ME to controls to FW and SW engineering over the last 20 years.

"I see poor understanding of the performance ranges of various components"

I'm totally guilty of this. I write new code on new hardware, and have very little intuitive of how fast it should go. Is 10k ops a second good? 1M? I just don't know how fast it should go. Of course, then I pull out the profiler, and think about my algorithm, but it takes a lot of second-guessing to decide how close to the limit I am.

For example, I was writing some clojure code to write to a SQL database. I'm relatively new to the JVM stack. I was writing to the DB at 1MB/s. I thought "well, that's not great, but not bad. Maybe after network traffic and DB constraints, and writing to a laptop disk drive, I suppose that's alright". No, I replace the JDBC DB thread connection pooling driver, and the same code now writes at 8 MB/s.

It'd be nice if there were a web resource for general guidelines on what it takes to max out hardware. Basically, benchmarks for real-world tasks.

"It'd be nice if there were a web resource for general guidelines on what it takes to max out hardware. Basically, benchmarks for real-world tasks."

Here here!!

I had the same thought when reading the first two pages of the article. I'd love to be able to better intuit performance (or heck, troubleshoot slow systems - which I do more often). The problems I encounter are lack of accurate and understandable information about the underlying hardware and the various layers between my program and the hardware (especially important for me lately as more of my stuff runs in a VM).

It seems like you need to be lucky and find a mentor willing to teach this esoteric material.

It's unfortunate the folks who edited this couldn't differentiate the real aces from the people pining for the days of the waterfall model.

I love speed optimization over what I am mostly payed for at my workplace (usual business applications). I am also better in what I love. Unfortunatelly no one really wants to pay me for optimizing the hell out of an algorithm. They want me to maintain their boring Java enterprise applications. I've searched for such tasks here at Hacker's News also, no one was interested. Not a single company. So I don't think it is a skill which is really in demand today.

At most jobs I've been at so far, "optimizing code" involved digging through the entire codebase with profilers and instrumentation for weeks at a time trying to find performance bottlenecks. Then maybe if you were very lucky you got to fix it, but more often than not it was an architectural bottleneck and you'd be SOL, best case is that a domain expert would get to fix it.

Then again this is dealing with system-wide performance. Application-specific performance should be significantly less of a problem to fix.

I think the jobs that are simply "here is this function, make it 10x faster" would be pretty rare, since usually people don't know what part of the code is going slow. A lot of the times they'll guess "X, Y, Z is making it slow" but without a real performance analysis patching stuff all over the place just doesn't pan out.

Try embedded systems programming, speed is usually pretty crucial there.

I've met a guy who runs a company of about 6 programmers doing this, has more work than he can handle and has difficulty finding good enough programmers. I think they're mainly C++ but were recently trying to find a C# guy.

So it's in demand, but you've got to know where to look.

Any info on who this guy is or what the company is?

As an example of embedded programming, do some timing critical work with microcontrollers and you'll find all sorts of fun optimization problems. Recently I had an algorithm that took 13 microseconds to execute but needed to do it in 11 (there was another interrupt coming!). I got to have a good time with the debugger, understanding optimization levels used by GCC, reading lots of assembly, and playing with a logic analyzer. It's quite fun, actually.

I would be happy if more than 1/10 interview candidates managed to pass my most basic programming questions. I consider my standards to be too low for the type of jobs I interview people for and I'm still disappointed routinely.

How basic are those questions if you don't mind me asking for details?

I've resorted to starting with "find the greatest int in an array of ints". And yes, I'm routinely disappointed.

Easy -- quicksort! :-)

I'm curious why you'd choose an algorithm that on average takes O(n log n) comparisons with a O(n^2) worst case versus simply iterating O(n)?

Unless there are other requirements I don't see why you'd suggest sorting the elements.

I certainly wouldn't choose that algorithm. I thought the correct solution was obvious enough that I could joke about it...

Actually, if their solution is bit luke-warm, I often follow up with 'now find the second greatest int'. Those that don't consider sorting the array go in the big pile. :)

This still comes back to the basic guideline; "learn your fundamentals". You don't need to learn them all (designing CPU instruction sets??), but you do need to know the primary layers you interact with. A web programmer generally doesn't need to be aware of the machine code generated by his application, but should be knowledgeable in networking (layer 3 and up), caching, databases, and so on.

I'm a web programmer, and, although it wasn't necessary per se, designing and implementing a CPU was one of the most fun things I ever did.

Single page, faster loading: http://www.itworld.com/print/190213

I was caught off guard by the first line, where the author uses PHP as one of the examples of an environment out-of-touch with hardware issues.

I started to learn how to program in PHP. Back then there was a sentiment that PHP and similar high level scripting languages weren't real programming.

With the web so ubiquitous today, I didn't that sentiment had survived, but here it is.

Simply because you may be an exception, it doesn't disprove the general case. Many self taught programmers (which php brought a rush of) lack programming fundamentals. They are blissfully unaware of the implications of the Von Neumann architecture, and don't understand how their actions translate down the various layers that support their code. If this was written 10 years ago, the author would have likely cited Perl, or VB.

I agree with some of the points the author was trying to make although I don't think he really expressed them with the right arguments.

I think our culture was and will always be based on exploration and innovation and this is simply moving to higher levels of abstractions today. There is nothing wrong with this.

However, I personally am not satisfied with simply being able to use an abstracted interface. I have a strong curiosity of how things work under the hood, of tinkering with something to make it do new things and even try and rewrite things in simpler forms.

I think a different kind of hacker evolves when you have a basic understanding of the entire technology stack. This breed is inevitably going to fade with the increasing complexity of this entire stack (breadth and height) paired with the current speed of innovation.

In the end, we can lament all that we are losing or work towards everything that lies ahead unexplored :)

People like this author and the people whose complaints he propagated convinced Socrates that the Oracle was right--because he was the only person who was aware of his own ignorance.

I'd like to add that a huge issue I saw in big Corp were when people/teams used FOSS and _didn't_ look at the source.

Just like the phrase rtfm, there should be rtfs.

I disagree. If you are able to achieve your goals without going low-level, please do it. If you need to understand low-level stuff to get the job done, please start learning. But please don't fall for the "every programmer should know this" meme.

Feels like the author of this article (and the people he quotes) are super bitter about the "new generation". Perhaps things did not work quite well for them, but there is no need to blame it on the kids : /

Today's hardware isn't as much of a bottleneck as it used to be. That's the simplest explanation for fewer programmers with low-level knowledge.

wow, an entire article to complain about increasing abstraction and specialization. tldr; get off my lawn.

tl;dr: cite anecdotes, generalize them to an entire generation of coders, wring hands.

listening to disk drives? Betcha that works great with cloud-based storage...

How is this hacker news?

Those are, by and large, not useless skills to have but most of them have nothing to do with software engineering or just "coding". Morse code and listening to my hard drive??? If the data is worth anything to me, I should have backups anyway and should not have to worry about what sound my hard disk arm makes also considering that modern hard drives might not have an arm at all.

And I think they left out the most basic and fundamental skill or understanding: there are no silver bullets. A lot of programmers nowadays seem to religiously follow whatever new language is being hyped and try to fit their problems and tasks to the language instead of the other way around... a bit of critical thinking and seeing a bigger picture than "thisandthat is THE SH*T (right now)!!" would work wonders.

In the real world, real coders could not care less how god-like the latest scripting languages or NO-SQL-but-relax-data-maps are because chances are very good that my customers use Java and Oracle or a few other big names and since they are paying me, who am I to push religious plugs about the latest fads on them?

Bottom line is: real coders (should) just know enough about computers, hardware, software and networks to make educated decisions and guesses and typically they don't care that much which language they are getting paid to develop in... pretty much all languages "suck" in the way that they ALL have their short-comings and it is up to the engineer to understand them and work with them.

> In the real world, real coders <snip>

I just want to point out context. This is HackerNews where a sizeable percentage of participants are either business owners, involved in a startup, or acting on side projects. As such, they have a lot of latitude in deciding what technologies they use.

Yes, if you're a J.P. Morgan specialist, you don't get to decide what tech you use. Yes, if you're a freelancer working for clients, you have to use the database of their choice, with pre-existing settings.

However, we aren't necessarily those people and we are certainly "real coders" in the "real world".


J.P. Morgan has a group using GHC Haskell, and Gemstone Smaltalk in production so they aren't as 'uncool' as some may presume. ;)

You do realise that once upon a time pushing Java was pretty much a "religous" activity and indeed the same applies to SQL. All technologies have got to start somewhere....

Edit: I know, I was an evangelical Java fanatic from about '95 to '00 or so.

While I wasn't working at that time. I agree.

Once relational databases were considered to be "academic" because of their mathematical underpinnings. What was considered practical was flat files, or graph databases.

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