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I've already done my part by contracting and beating the virus you're deathly afraid of. I have more powerful immunity than anyone who's taken any of those shots. I don't have to ponder about the numbers on that one.

If that's the opinion of a reputable medical professional that you've personally talked to, then sure, great, good for you. If you're basing this on random things you've read on the internet... well, kinda a shame you're basing health decisions on that.

Given the fact that you've made an absolutist statement about immunity that doesn't track with the studies I've read, I suspect it's sadly the latter.

(Natural immunity may give rise to more mature memory B-cells, which could be better than the memory B-cells you get with vaccination, but the vaccines do provoke your immune system to produce many more antibodies than found in the aftermath of natural infection. So the jury is kinda still out on this.)

I hope you had a reputable doctor interpret those studies for you in person. I read on CNN.com that it can be dangerous to do online research and think for yourself. I’m not sure if I should believe it though, since a reputable medical professional didn’t read it to me in person. In fact, even reading your comment, I’m not at liberty to reply, since a reputable medical professional didn’t read it to me, and I can’t be sure just what to think without a reputable medical professional telling me, in person, what I should think.

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