Yes, that is a huge problem I have seen often here in French speaking Quebec. Developers will prefer all the code in English, because the libraries and language keywords are in English and it is thus more consistent.
This leads to business domain objects to be translated in English by the devs and they will make different or incorrect translations.
Then, all the stakeholders and requirements will be in French. All developers need to constantly map the real world names to the English names used in the code base, but that nobody else uses.
This leads to bugs, inconsistencies and extra cognitive load. It comes back to how hard "naming things" is.
This leads to business domain objects to be translated in English by the devs and they will make different or incorrect translations.
Then, all the stakeholders and requirements will be in French. All developers need to constantly map the real world names to the English names used in the code base, but that nobody else uses.
This leads to bugs, inconsistencies and extra cognitive load. It comes back to how hard "naming things" is.