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Sure, why not.

Functions are for both reading and modifying data, because the actual SQL for the query might be complex (and therefore better managed as a function than as a string in Go code).

Example: User CRUD

    create view vw_user as select id, name, email from users;

    create function fn_get_user(p_user_id uuid) returns vw_user as $$ select * from vw_users where id = p_user_id $$;

    create function fn_change_user_name(p_user_id uuid, p_name text) returns vw_user as $$ update users set name = p_name where id = p_user_id; select * from vw_users where id = p_user_id; $$

    create function fn_create_user(p_name text, p_email text) returns vw_user as $$ insert into users (id, name, email) values (gen_random_uuid(), p_name, p_email); select * from vw_users where id = p_user_id; $$
The advantage here is that there is only one return type, so you only need one ScanUser function which returns a hydrated Go User struct. If you need to change the struct, then you change the vw_user view, and the ScanUser function, and you're done.

Each function maps 1:1 to a Go function that calls it, though it's also possible/easy to have more complex Go functions that call more than one db function. Or indeed, meta-functions that call other functions before returning a value to the Go code.

The problem with ORMS is always that eventually the mapping between struct and database breaks, and you end up having to do some funky stuff to make it work (and from then on in it gets increasingly complex and difficult). The structures in the database are optimised for storing the data. The structures in the Go code need to be optimised for the business processes (and the structures in the UI are optimised for that, so they will be different again). An ORM ignores all of this and assumes that everything maps 1:1. Maintaining those relationships manually (rather than in an ORM) does involve some boilerplate, but it allows you to keep the structures separate.

For example: User UI data:

    create view vw_ui_user as select users.id as user_id, users.name, users.email, sessions.id as session_id, max(sessions.when_created) as last_logged_in from users left join sessions on users.id = sessions.user_id group by 1,2,3,4;

    create function get_ui_user(p_email text) returns json as $$ select to_json(select * from vw_ui_user where email = p_email);$$
The json data generated from this function can be returned direct to the UI without the Go code needing to do anything to it. If the UI needs different data, the view can be changed without affecting anything else.

caveat I didn't bother checking this for syntax or typos. I have probably made several errors in both.

Thanks so much Marcus, it makes more sense now!

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