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Oh, another issue worth mentioning specifically when you are using the jackc/pgx driver is that pgx maintains a prepared statement cache under the hood for performance reasons, but the statements in the cache can be invalidated by query migrations. So if you do `SELECT * FROM foos WHERE field = $1` and then run `ALTER TABLE foos DROP COLUMN bar`, the next time you run that query you will get an error. This used to just be broken until you restarted the process to clear the cache, but I've patched pgx to make it invalidate the cached prepared statement when it sees one of these errors (it still returns the error though since jackc thought a retry would be too complicated). I added an automatic retry to opendoor/pggen to make it so users don't need to worry about this kind of low level detail. You may want to consider that for sqlc as well. The other option is to advise users to disable the cache by setting it's size to zero (I forget the exact config option, but jackc said there is one when I first brought up the issue).

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