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Ask HN: What open source projects are you working on and why?
17 points by smarri on Sept 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Note that this covers the past year or two, and I'd mention in advance that most of these contributions were selfishly-motivated, because they helped other projects that I've been relying on:

- html2canvas: because it met 99% of a feature's requirements (to support in-browser screenshots for users to attach with web-based feedback), except that font-awesome CSS icons weren't rendering correctly.

- Google Lighthouse: because there was a false-positive-ish result when auditing one of my applications that seemed resolvable by updating a dependency version. Long story short; it turned out to involve more than simply updating a version number.

- GitLab: because I managed to add a "deploy freeze" to a GitLab repository using the web UI, and then couldn't find a way to remove it again without making a curl request -- so I figured I'd save someone else the hassle and go ahead and implement the deletion UI; also a slightly longer journey than expected (but, as with all of these, enjoyable and satisfying learning and problem-solving).

- grocy: because I posted it to HN a-year-and-a-half ago, and then (after that post gained some traction) began to feel a slight burden of responsibility for anyone using the project's provided container image, and decided I'd take on some maintenance and cleanup of it to (hopefully) help.

- frozen-flask: generating static landing pages may or may not be a good idea (and may or may not be an attempt to game SEO), but either way, I wanted to try it out, and frozen-flask mostly worked in the project's environment aside from some small Python-version compatibility issues that were a good puzzle to solve.

In almost all cases here, "working on" means fixing a bug or two that have blocked me in some other, often more feature-oriented, context.

Often it has also included surveying previous knowledge of the issues and previous and/or in-progress attempts to fix them.

(and often, the integration context has been https://www.reciperadar.com - itself AGPLv3 licensed)

Working on a project called P2PRC (p2p network designed to do any sort of computation) https://github.com/Akilan1999/p2p-rendering-computation (I started this becuase I like the concept of distributed computing but in way that it can run on any machines and not only those cloud machines).

Another project I am working on is called remote gaming. It is basically WebRTC screenshare with a remote keyboard and mouse. Repo: https://github.com/Akilan1999/remotegameplay (I am building it because Stadia is cool and I wanted to build my own open source version of Stadia. Hopefully I can combine this as a plugin to P2PRC).

I am working on project called Omnipost, a free platform to post on all social media at once. Only for early-stage startups.

Recent, I saw on twitter some people are selling this kind of service at very high price to first time founder.

I got pissed because most first time founder need this tool but can't afford it. these agency are using free API and automation tools to earn huge money. I think this should be free at least for founders.

A plugin for Neovim that uses OpenAI to generate/modify code. I'm really excited to see how the process of "writing" code will change as this sort of AI improves. Currently, my impression is it can do things like lengthening variable names or generating self-contained functions fairly reliably, given enough context.

We're trying to build the best synthetic biology library out there - https://github.com/TimothyStiles/poly

Working on a low code CRUD and internal apps builder https://github.com/appsmithorg/appsmith

My two Android apps. Mostly just maintaining them, but planning some additional functionality. Why? Just for fun.

https://cuelang.org - a (logical) language for config, data, and more. Configure Unify Execute, CUE

https://github.com/hofstadter-io/hof - flexible code generation, low-code for devs

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