I had a similar experience as a intern years ago! Part of my daily responsibility was to manually enable/disable API integrators who had increased levels of traffic as it would take the API down for all partners. Pretty bad. Thousands of requests at peak would bring the server to its knees.
Until I worked out during some minor maintenance task that every request was logged to a flat file. Appended. Every request. The file was probably 100gb by the time I found it and every request log would lock the logging file. The server had been running for a couple of years by that time.
Until I worked out during some minor maintenance task that every request was logged to a flat file. Appended. Every request. The file was probably 100gb by the time I found it and every request log would lock the logging file. The server had been running for a couple of years by that time.
Of course I screwed up more than I fixed. :D