It works a bit differently. You press "Random" or do a search, then click the songs that appeal to you. They are added to the (text) playlist. The idea is that you can change and save the playlist--no login required. You can even download the whole thing and use it offline, completely privately. It still works. The only bug is that you cannot skip.
I’m not getting a play button on the low-static version. I did manually copy one of the mp3 URLs [1] and it sounds great though. I’m on iOS (Safari on iPad) if that makes a difference.
Hey thanks a lot! It's soft launched. I'd love to hear what you think. If you try iOS, the TestFlight build [0] is most current. I deploy the web app all the time (just deployed, actually, so if you reload, maybe it'll be a bit different :). Android soon. I'm hoping to do a Show HN in a few weeks.