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Slashdot, and especially the comments, are ridiculously hard to suffer through. I unsubscribed in GReader last week after reading uninformed rants that were more offensive than even this piece.

True enough. I have not unsubscribe yet but I've stopped reading it for over a month now. Poor signal:noise ratio and people seems to fight over getting 5 Funny.

Now I read HN and Reddit's daily top.

Any suggestions where we should all be moving on to next?

You didn't hear it from me, but I suspect many of the /. guys have come here recently.

You're on it.

To be honest, Slashdot had already been relegated to my "Read while [] on the toilet" material. I honestly don't miss it. The newsworthy items are on reddit or HN before Slashdot anyway, and I really don't miss the more meta or conversational pieces.

(years ago) I would read the site compulsively. Now I need an article link to it from HN or reddit or X that reminds me that the site even exists.

So it goes.

Slashdot still has many excellent comments.

Just don't read it real time. Wait a day, and the good comments will be moderated as such.

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