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All those noSQL or newSQL have more than one leader per table they have a distinct leader for each partition.

So if you have 6 server and 2 partition you could have 3 servers for partition number #1 and 3 different servers for partition number #2.

If you want extra performance you could make the server simply store key->value mapping using quorum write like Cassandra is doing but to keep data consistency you still have 2 choice

#1 use Optimistic concurrency (an app performing an update will verify if the data has changed since the app last read that data).

#2 using some kind of Lease, elect one machine to be the only one allowed to write to that partition for some time period.

Option #1 do not give faster transaction throughput but could offer lower tail latency.

Option #2 bring you back to square one of having a leader so you better just use (Paxos/Raf)

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