Many key features are missing, including but not limited to:
- UDFs and sprocs.
- Useful datatypes such as TSTZRANGE
- More limited constraints
I was recently looking at Cockroach as a PGSQL replacement because of its distributed nature. But the equivalence featureset is still lagging badly, unfortunatley.
May I suggest looking at YugabyteDB, which is a distributed SQL database built on actual PostgreSQL 11.2 engine? It's way ahead of CockroachDB in terms of feature support.
YugabyteDB has UDFs, stored procedures, distributed transactions, the range types are working from what I can tell, at least the example from here: works right out of the box, just copy paste. Postgres extensions are of course working. Orafce, postgis (with extra work needed for gin indexes, afair...), custom extensions.
YugabyteBD == Postgres. The query planner, analyzer and executor are all Postgres. Mind you, some features are not readily available because handling them properly in a distributed manner takes effort. Those unsupported features are disabled on the grammar level, before being worked on. But - unsupported features will not corrupt your data. Missing features are enabled very fast.
For example, I have recently contributed foreign data wrapper support: (enables postgres_fdw at a usable level) and working on table inheritance now.
Yugabyte is an amazing bit of technology and more people should know about it. By the way - it's Apache 2 with no strings attached.
For clarification: I'm not associated with Yugabyte in any way other than very happy user and contributor. Yugabyte organizes the Distributed SQL Summit later this month: Might be a good opportunity to learn more about it. Second clarification: I'll be speaking at the event.
The final decision has not been made yet, but I think the reality is we're getting tired of evaluating all these distributed databases that claim Postgres compatibility only to find its the usual clickbait marketing speak.
So the most likely outcome is we're going to stick with Postgres and give the emerging distributed tech a couple more years to pull their socks up. We're not going to go round changing all our Postgres code and schemas just to shoehorn into the limitations of a random definition of "postgres support".
Depends how you define broad. :)
Many key features are missing, including but not limited to:
I was recently looking at Cockroach as a PGSQL replacement because of its distributed nature. But the equivalence featureset is still lagging badly, unfortunatley.