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Big Clive's YouTube channel is worth a watch if you like seeing electrical items disassembled and critiqued. It also has the occasional explosion and unusual cooking videos!


* Anticipated explosions managed with the fire containment pie tin.

Big Clive is an electrical engineer from The Isle of Man and has a very unique English accent, complete with local slang and idioms. He’s a very engaging character and passes as entertainment, even without the electronics content. Genuine and occasionally heartfelt and up-lifting. :)

His accent is quite common in Scotland. What's really cool is he has a brother "Ralfy" who also has a Youtube channel specializing in reviewing Whisky:


They are the Tappet Brothers of the 21st Century.

I love your Tappet Brother's analogy - it's spot on. The videos they do together are hilarious in a way that only two brothers could be.

Big Clive's channel(s) (he has a separate one for live streams) have some of my favorite content on YouTube. He's super down to earth and just has fun with what he does, never taking himself too seriously while being very knowledgeable.

It's a must watch for all the episodes that involve things inserted up assholes, even if electronics isn't your thing.

beside clive there's a bunch of special electrical oriented channels:

- photonicinduction (warning, absurd levels of everything up to 11, borderline insane at times, but if you want to see ultra high everything, here's the channel)

- styropyro, spiritual son of the above, but for everything lasers

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