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The only group in the US with a lower birthrate than white people are asians, as a group, though with a lot of variance by subgroup.

Worldwide, white people are at the bottom, excepting China due to the one child policy. Even in China, minority groups in rural locations were allowed more than one.

The part of the movie people called prophetic is not the ethnic groups of the highest breeding populations in the movie.

It is the steady decline of IQ, moral decay, and increasing shallowness of experience and atomization of society.

All of which is clearly more severe than when the movie was released.

None of which makes any implicit commentary on race, no matter what mechanism actually brought about above stated societal decline.

There are dozens of better choices to use for the sake of comparison if you want to say that you find the majority of people to be far beneath your brilliance and virtue.

The decay of civilization in idiocracy was directly and exclusively due to two things:

- intelligence is genetic

- smart people bred themselves out of the gene pool

I have literally heard people be chastised when they tell others they chose not to have kids, because have you seen idiocracy?

The basic premise of the movie is so fundamentally flawed it is beyond offensive.

IQ is largely genetic. Studies have shown this for decades.

If you find our current understanding of reality offensive, that sounds like wonderful motivation to do a study of your own.

It must be sad to have so little sense of humor you get offended at the movie that features president commacho

So if the movie had used hill-billy black people for their fast breeders in the movie, would you have been cool with that?

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