Performative virtue signaling, as practiced in the US is wrong IMO. It is aimed at extracting social approval out of like-minded peers without effecting any positive change. Indeed it's getting to the point where _the mere absence_ of virtue signaling behavior draws reprisals and Twitter lynch mobs. Virtue under the barrel of a gun is not virtue at all.
Moreover, negative change is occurring: murders are up nationwide last year due to "abolishing police" in lower income neighborhoods and releasing repeat criminals from jail "on their own recognizance", a dozen times in a row. Black on black violence is a topic that can't even be raised on the left, and yet it affects both blacks and whites disproportionately. Why is that? Because it needs heavy police enforcement to combat it. A gangbanger couldn't care less about your "social worker".
Moreover, negative change is occurring: murders are up nationwide last year due to "abolishing police" in lower income neighborhoods and releasing repeat criminals from jail "on their own recognizance", a dozen times in a row. Black on black violence is a topic that can't even be raised on the left, and yet it affects both blacks and whites disproportionately. Why is that? Because it needs heavy police enforcement to combat it. A gangbanger couldn't care less about your "social worker".
Here's the most liberal city in the United States, Washington DC: If this is progress, I don't want it.