- "the more open minded ... as long as it's open to what I like and closed to what I don't"
- "do as you like as long as I approve"
And I'm not speaking to you-- But rather extrapolating these as they represent the fake tolerance of the anti-traditional neomarxists-- SJWs who typically exhibit substantial fascist traits
* --> See those downvotes? Point proven :) The hypocrisy of those who claim tolerance of different perspectives *
- "the more open minded ... as long as it's open to what I like and closed to what I don't"
- "do as you like as long as I approve"
And I'm not speaking to you-- But rather extrapolating these as they represent the fake tolerance of the anti-traditional neomarxists-- SJWs who typically exhibit substantial fascist traits
* --> See those downvotes? Point proven :) The hypocrisy of those who claim tolerance of different perspectives *