Those don’t say the racist things from the video but they do believe America (the West) is bad. Capitalism is bad. Meritocracy is bad. Freedom of speech is bad, …
Not my worldview.
The west, capitalism and meritocracy are not beyond criticism. Those ideals aren’t perfect and fail millions of people. Self critique is important and after all, aren’t they entitled to exercise their fee speech?
> The west, capitalism and meritocracy are not beyond criticism.
This is a really good example of motte-and-bailey argumentation.
The motte (minimalist position that is uncontroversial and easy to defend) is that the west, capitalism and meritocracy are not beyond criticism. 99.9% of people beleive this.
The bailey (much more controversial position, that is hard to defend but stakes out more territory), is something like this: the west, capitalism and meritocracy are evil and must be destroyed.