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Wow, that's just a straight up talent acquisition maybe with some patents thrown in for the impending legal meltdown. Remember the first acquisition Parakey? It was going to be a web OS of some sort so even Grandma can easily share pictures or something. Instead we got a perennially buggy Facebook iPhone app. It just goes to show how hard it is for growing companies to find good talent in the valley.

These are really brilliant people though. Must be amazing to have all those people in one building. Still, have no idea how Facebook can really bring out the best of that talent, Apple seems like a lot better place except for their old school secrecy. I guess it's hard to shine when you have two super novas like Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive.


We also got Three20. Not the best framework in the world, but it probably did more to enable iOS apps than any other non-Apple framework.

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