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> Podman has added full docker-compose support

any pointers as to how this works?

IIRC it's emulating the docker socket and its API. As a consequence, you do need to have a podman daemon running.

https://fedoramagazine.org/use-docker-compose-with-podman-to... https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/podman-docker-compose

As rubenbe said, they implemented the docker API, thus you'll need to start a systemd socket.

For rootless the steps are as simple as

    systemctl enable --now --user podman.socket
    export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock
For rootfull just remove "--user" from the above command, and the socket is located at /var/podman/podman.sock

Then you can run both docker and docker-compose commands. Traefik and other things that use the Docker API directly should be able to use it too. Any issues you can raise on the GitHub repo, they're a bunch of friendly folks and are pretty quick at addressing issues.

So, as long as you have the podman socket enabled, you can just run the literal docker-compose script with `podman` aliased to `docker`? Interesting and cool! I think I still prefer not having to enable the socket and export DOCKER_HOST, but I will think about it. The only problems I had with podman-compose in the past few months were related to syntax issues in the docker-compose.yml file (for example ports, image names without prefixes, etc).

No, the podman socket is only necessary if you want to expose the docker API. This can then be used with the docker cli (or docker-compose). The podman cli interface is close to the docker cli interface, which is why you can do `alias docker=podman`. With the socket you would be using the official docker cli (or docker-compose), not the podman cli.

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