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GitHub Nodeload2: Downloads Reloaded (github.com/blog)
51 points by timf on Aug 2, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Great example of people that know how and when to appropriately use node.js.

Agreed. It's refreshing to be able to see knowledgable people arrive at better solutions.

I love the fact that they come up with the best solution that solves the problem based on their skill set at that time; and when either their skill set improves or the technology improves, they actually go back and replace the current solution with a better one (even if the better solution requires a change of programming language)!

It shows the true power behind hiring the right people. It's not as much about the number of years of experience with a technology stack, as it is proof of a person's ability and willingness to learn new skills.

On a tangent, I wonder if GitHub has any plans to serve binary downloads for projects in the future? Given how sleek the site is, this could make it the one-stop shop for many projects.

Unless I'm missing something, it already can.

"Downloads/add new download" allows you to upload various files and title them.

See https://github.com/shabble/terminal-things (hit the downloads button on the mid right)

Isn't that one of the main uses of the Downloads area?

Do Downloads work?

Is it as powerful?

It is not clear you have every advantage git offers: real access requires equal representation in relation to mainstream commands.

- Every git project frontpage looks different than "Downloads" page.

- Downloads page has 2 sentences; new git-command-friendly project homepage has full good README page.

- What about revision history?

- Can you upload folders/multiples? Says "Upload a new file"....

- Downloads is a sidebutton, not a main tab; it is a button custom-designed differently than every other button on page, uncertain.


P.S. Concerning title for your same tangent reason

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