You really think Russian agitprop is the best in the world? The US has conducted so many regime change operations I can't even count them, and they mostly start with propaganda aired from outside the country, funding from CIA front groups, and eventually the funding of death squads or invasions. Russia has taken Crimea, a piece of Ukraine that secures its access to a seaport, but nothing that compares to anything the US has done in recent memory (illegal invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, supporting coups in Boliva, etc) or currently (encouraging separatist movements in China).
This theory is like a mirror image of what the empire is doing to the world.
Further, the successful use of cyberwarfare by Russia, is considered the leading example of its kind.
And I haven't even mentioned Brexit, or hundreds of other campaigns to weaken western democracies.
It's pretty clear that Russia leads in this regard.
The invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were worthless failures, and resulted in the loss of trillions of US dollars that could have gone to building American infrastructure, funding universal healthcare and education, and improving the lives of average citizens.
These invasions fundamentally weakened the US at home and abroad. They did not serve the interests of "empire" at all.
This theory is like a mirror image of what the empire is doing to the world.