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I've actually never seen reverse-engineering explained in a more straight-forward manner. I was able to skim the article and understand exactly what was done in a minute or so. Excellent article!

Thanks for the feedback! I get this comment a bit, and I'm not really sure what it is that I'm supposedly doing right, but I'll do my best to keep doing it!

I actually don't know all that much about binary RE – my usual work is generally high-level Python stuff – so I try to write how I would like things explained to me, which I think helps.

I think not being an expert can contribute to clearer communication[1]. I sometimes joke that physics is such a hard class primarily because it's being taught by physicists...

1: Of course not being an expert can contribute to communicating the wrong thing clearly, which is its own problem.

Not sure why this got downvoted, it's a spectacular example of why OP's post was good

The way you explain things doesn't require a ton of existing domain knowledge. Having basic intuitive understanding of binaries and the fact that different codepoints have different memory addresses was sufficient, whereas most articles on this topic get super technical super fast.

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