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Vico is a good contender for TextMate 2, but it's still pretty buggy for something he charges money for.

Chocolat looks more like a contender for TextMate 1 to me... less Vim bindings? I'll probably skip it.

Textmate 2 seems pretty much non-existent. There hasn't been a lot of information as to what it will actually bring. That said, Textmate 1 is still a very good editor if your into macros instead of vi-style full keyboard control.

The problem I see is that every new editor isn't featured enough so it falls short compared to peoples editor of choice in some trivial way ("I don't like tabs" or "There's no go to file feature.")

I purchased Vico and haven't regretted it yet. I'll be pleased when the Lion bugs get sorted out.

I've also wanted to love Textmate but can't give up my vim commands.

Yeah, I love Vico. I'm not coming from a vim background, so the progressive enhancement approach really works for me. It'll be nice when it stops crashing on Lion, but hey, I haven't lost any work yet :P

The only thing I really miss from TextMate is transparent backgrounds... hopefully that's coming in the future.

Just curious – why do you use Vico instead of MacVim?

Eh, I'm not committed to vim as an experience. I still like TextMate's rather point-and-click editing style, and Vico does that compellingly where MacVim... doesn't.

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