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I feel the same exact way. I have 60,000+ photos to go through, edit, and remove.

Where do I even begin? What app do I use to go through them all?

I've searched and tried out many apps and I still don't have a good workflow.

I truly don't understand how the pros do it.

Lightroom. Import all photos from all sources and have lightroom MOVE THE ORIGINALS into a new root folder with the following structure YYYY/MM

Keep this folder backed up! It's more important than the metadata catalog but now all the raw imagery is in one place.

Then maintain the lightroom catalog with lots of metadata, including using the facial recognition system for offline person recognition, the flag system enabling a 2-pass deletion review, star system for ranking photos by desirability, and add tags to everything. Go through each filter mechanism and develop a strategy for using each filter.

Use the image gallery filter system to the limit.

If you go through images by date & time captured you can usually bulk tag images much more quickly than if you have to switch between events.

I tried and used Lightroom for a while. I didn't want to keep paying Adobe so I tried to switch to darktable[0].


Maybe I'll give lightroom another try.

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