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Ah, coincidentally my preferences make the first two non-issues:

I always set Vim to jump to the first search result in realtime because that lets me take a glance at another part of the file and then immediately jump back with Esc. So that way I didn't notice this apparently became a default setting in NeoVim. Which is still a weird thing and shouldn't happen imho.

And I always have all kinds of smart features disabled in every situation because almost nothing annoys me more in software, and as far as I can tell nothing changed with the switch.

The init.vim thing is definitely cumbersome when you just want to try it out, even though in the end it's just a symbolic link.

> I might revisit neovim the day I have enough time on my hand to figure out how to install the whole tresitter shebang.

I just did that last week, it's relatively straightforward with the guide in the vim-treesitter readme but requires the nightly build until NeoVim 0.5 releases. And if I'm not mistaken that future version will make it easier too.

neovim 0.5 was released at the beginning of July :-)


can I apt-get it ?

There's no official upstream apt repository/ppa, but there is a package in debian experimental (an unofficial but often outdated ppa for ubuntu exists as well, but there's no v0.5.0 in the stable repository). You can also grab a self-contained binary (an appimage) from https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/v0.5.0/nv... and then rename it to "neovim", mv it to /usr/local/bin, and chmod +x.

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