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I like the NeoVim project and think Lua is a great scripting language, and so I wish the project all the best, but it is not attempting to scratch many of the itches that Emacs and Elisp do for many of us old timers.

Would you care to elaborate a bit? I think both Emacs and Vim have valid use cases, and I am interested to hear your opinion.

To choose just one example, but one that illustrates the gulf between the two projects.

For shell interaction, I use eshell, a UNIX shell written in Elisp, as often as I use anything else. It has some sharp edges, but it takes more sharp edges off shell interaction so it generally makes, for me, the most pleasant way to interact with the shell.

I am aware of no NeoVim project aiming at something like eshell, and it would not, I think, be a good fit for the NeoVim philosophy if it were tried.

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