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Thanks for pointing that out. I actually had the opportunity to sync my iPhone photos to Google Photos, but opted to decline. This made me reconsider; cheers.

Why would this feature , that is also apart of Photos, make you reconsider ?

As much as I like apple / iCloud / my iPhone, I do like the idea of seeing all the places on a map that I’ve traveled with my lovely wife Emily. We’re hoping to go to the Seychelles if the next three months work out at my contract gig.

I like the idea of being able to type “water” and see a bunch of water bottles mixed in with all the water-y places we’ve visited.

What sealed the deal was to see it on a map. I typed “water” into Photos just now, and it did a pretty good job. But there’s something peculiar about being able to look at a pin and say “I’ve been at that pin.”

Just a silly thing. But it costs me nothing to get it, so I want it.

Yes but I’m saying that’s a feature in Photos right now. So long as the photo has location data , you can see it on the Map in Places on the albums tab.

Thank you! I did finally figure out what you were pointing out. Apparently there is a “places” album, as you say.

For some reason, it only has 40 places, whereas I have 9,987 photos. I definitely have photos from Cancun, so I wonder if the location data somehow got stripped, possibly when I got a new iPhone around 4 months ago… though that doesn’t make much sense to me.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for pointing out that the thing I wanted already exists on iOS, even if it didn’t have a pin on Cancun. I’ll check the exif data someday, perhaps, or sync to Google photos and see if it pops up.


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