I resisted switching (from vim to emacs) for a long time, but it's just not true that "there are usually better tools for any given task": magit and the other git integrations in emacs are significantly better than the equivalents in VSCode or IntelliJ (anecdotal, but I've never had issues figuring out version control in emacs whereas I've made significant messes trying to use the VC features of VSCode and IntelliJ); the ad-hoc programmability of emacs is second to none (just the other day I whipped up a quick one-off refactoring tool to fill in names missing in the LSP diagnostic errors: other editors might have an equivalent feature, but nothing makes it as easy to combine features in ad-hoc fashions as emacs). notmuch is, so far, the best email interface I've found. And, I could go on: I've occasionally tried switching back to "normal" editors, but each time I find that I'm missing some configuration that was trivial to put together in my emacs configuration and is only available in my new editor if I'm willing to make significant compromises.