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i don't understand what else to her story really needs to be said, unless it was orchestrated (if thats what you're implying). All that matters is she used the service and her house got trashed. Airbnb never had a safety page until her story and never made people aware of the dangers. People need to be educated of what can happen when you let strangers into your house, when using a service like this.

"Orchestrated"? What? No. The idea that this is all some diabolical plot to bring down Airbnb is silly. It's just as toxic as the worst assumptions being made about Airbnb, just in the opposite direction.

I don't know what "all that matters" means. There are whole huge threads on HN about this that clearly aren't premised on the idea that "all that matters" is that her house got trashed.

Please don't assume that I'm on "team blue" just because I say something that doesn't fit "team red"'s interpretation of events.

"People need to be educated..."

This is the kind of thing you learn from your parents. It's not some corporation's job to do that. If I'm renting a room in my house, I'm not leaving this stranger alone in my home. If it's an apartment over the garage with only outside access, I'm less concerned, but I'll still keep my valuables in a safe.

There is a certain amount of common sense one must have to function in this world. Putting "stranger danger" education under the responsibility of AirBnB is unacceptable.

thats like saying its not up to the cigarette companies to put a warning on their package of lung cancer, or for every ladder manufacturer to put a warning not to step on the top step, cause you can fall. Yeah its probably common sense, but for liability purposes there's plenty of precedence that its up to the company to educate/warn.

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