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Yes. That was fixed in r31875 which was committed before the 1.9.3 branch was made.


While the load.c patch made it in this time, is that a good indicator of things making it into 1.9.3 from head? Just thinking about Module#mix here..

Why do you want Module#mix in favor of Module#prepend. The former introduces a whole new system for mixins alongside the old one, while the latter simply makes the existing system work for extending existing classes (a first-class, no caveats alias_method_chain)

I wasn't really flying the flag for Module#mix, just intrigued as to the pattern of things making it into head and then either making it out into tagged releases (or not).

That said, I confess I was a fan of mix, but it might be in my favor for things to get more complicated sometimes.. ;-)

Only bug fixes (not new features like Module#mix) will be merged from trunk to the 1.9.3 branch.

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