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Somehow, I can't imagine a bored and aimless population of billions building utopia. Bored people tend to be troublesome people, so if there isn't enough Farmville, we might be in trouble.

Good point, I wonder if we will need to create virtual realities for ourselves just to stay "occupied"

... here is a meta though... what if that is what we live in NOW, hence all the talk about "is our reality a hologram?" recently.

Inceptioned! :)

I'm not sure how excited and fulfilled one can be by doing a simple and repetitive task several hundred times a day.

I can't tell...are you talking about the jobs the robots will be doing, or playing Farmville?

Farmville is a good example of the kind of drudgery which robots should relieve us from.

I thought this was going to be a joke but, just like WoW and EVE mining, I see that it is actually happening: http://farmvillebot.net/ http://www.femfarmville.com/

funny you mention farmville, as actually working on a farm is one thing that the robots have yet to master.

Farming has benefited massively from automation and will continue to do so:


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