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Soft-delete (+ action logs) for data recovery. Also, code review and lots and lots of tests.

For schema changes, there are a bunch of approaches. Just a few:

* Treat (non-purely additive) schema changes as a special case and take extra care deploying them. (This sounds like a cop-out, but it might be the right effort tradeoff for many startups.)

* Write forwards and reverse migrations for each change, and avoid data-losing schema changes.

* Implement all (or all non-purely additive) schema changes by shadowing data operations onto a new version of the schema (asynchronously migrate all previous data onto the new schema in some back-end process.) Write tests to verify the migration/shadowed data is correct. Switch data reads to be on the new schema. Eventually delete the old schema in a subsequent deploy after an appropriate stabilization/verification period.

I find #3 to be the most general, but there's plenty of overhead (computational, storage and man-hour) that may not be appropriate for your case.

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