It's really crazy how quickly things have gotten bigger. I remember not too long ago my mid-high power computer had 1Gb of RAM, nowadays that would be laughably small.
Hi, I'm glad you like it! The performance is not _that_ good at the moment, mostly because of superfluous paints, but it's something I'd like to focus on (as it's one of the primary objectives).
So Electron is the problem. It gets worse if you have lots of tabs open in Chrome + running other electron apps as well. A visible and obvious improvement when compared with a native app.
Also, Electron apps do not scale and it wastes CPU time, eats RAM up and fills up HDD space. On laptops, it drains the battery faster.
It's so damned efficient it barely registers in my CPU monitor. Check out the memory utilization too!
Now compare it with the semi-official Spotify client: